Kody (Am. CH; HR; U-CH.; IABCA WBCH Star Crowned Kodiak Island CD BN RE SHU JH FDC CCA CGC TKI WCX VC RATI) is currently available at stud to approved females with clearances that meet the Breeder’s responsibilities found in the Code of Ethics of the Golden Retriever Club of America. All genetic information is available.
Kody’s listing on Golden Retriever Central, https://goldenretrievercentral.org/stud_dogs/stud_205_kody.php: Versatile, happy, and a wonderful companion. Stands 23 ¾ inches and weighs 74 (71 pounds as of 2025) pounds. Beautiful mover with excellent structure and a lovely head. Earned his first Rally title at a year old and his CD at age two. Finished his AKC Championship with 4 Majors (3 Specialty Majors). He has earned three Majors under Breeder Judges on his journey to his Grand Championship. Owner-trained and handled for all but his first two Senior Hunter Upland passes, his last Major of his Championship, and his first Major towards his Grand Championship. Exciting dog to watch hunting up birds- his passion. He has several field titles, and he is working on more advanced Retriever and Upland titles. Proven sire. Frozen semen also available.
Clearance information is available on OFA database, https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=2047286. Kody’s K9data link is here: http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=861628
A list of his titled offspring and some pictures of his kids are below his pictures. He has been passing his beautiful head and his birdiness on to his kids. He has one girl from his first litter who has lots of AKC points and one girl from his second litter who went Best in Sweepstakes at a year old. He has several kids with retriever titles. He has one boy from his fourth litter who is a UKC CH and GRCH pointed. Another boy from that litter is also UKC-Pointed. Another girl from that same litter has been selected several times for RWB at some prestigious Specialty Shows.
For more pictures of Kody, please see his page under his tab on the Marscher website: https://marschergoldens.com/kody/
If interested in using Kody, please contact me at [email protected]
I am a member of the Golden Retriever Club of America, the Mid Florida Golden Retriever Club, and am an associate member of the Tarheel Golden Retriever Club. I am also a member of several other retriever and sporting dog clubs in my area: South Florida Hunting Retriever Club, Central Florida Hunting Retriever Club, and an Officer of the Treasure Coast Gun Dog Club.

Photo Credit: Liz Atterbury
Kody’s Breedings

-Kody x Macon (Prism’s Cabin Fever RN), 4 Girls, October 2020, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1279440
-Kody x Tuuli (CH Richwood Winds Aloft MH WCX DDHF OD), 2 Girls/ 2 Boys, July 2021, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1279441
-Kody x Gimme (Prism’s Instant Gratification CD JH), 6 Girls/ 4 Boys, February 2022, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1279439
-Kody x Phoebe (UGCH, UPN, URO2 ARCHX Lycinan’s Dangerous When Wet BN, RE, DJ, RLI-AOE, RL1-AOE, RL2-AOE, RL3-AOE, CD-C, CGC), 4 Girls/ 6 Boys, May 2023, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1312546
-Kody x Jingle (Belle Terre Jingle All The Way JH RA WC CCA), 5 Girls/ 1 Boy, August 2023, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1279433
-Kody x Greta (Lycinan Got Gumption JH CCA), 2 Girls/ 2 Boys, December 2023, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1279434
-Kody x Meg (Eirlys Homecoming), 4 Girls/ 3 Boys, June 2024, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1338638
Kody’s Kids With Honors
- Austin, Belle Terre Austin Rides the Brand CGC, https://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1341655
- Blue, MBPISS Can CH Richwood Bluenose Island Son PCD RN WC, Multiple High in Trials http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1196819; Blue’s Website Page: http://www.goldnz.ca/blue.html
- Bowen, Prism’s Caribbean Girl Power JH WC CCA (AKC Pointed; lots of singles; also mother to two litters), http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1144616; Bowen’s Website Page: https://caribbeangoldens.com/bowen.php
- Coco, Lycinan Madileau Toasted Coconut, RWB to a Major and two other RWB, 4th Place in 15-18 mo Sweeps at GRCA National 2024 http://www.lycinan.com
- Ember, Belle Terre The Fire Within TKN CGC, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1333819
- Jovi, Prism’s Go and Be Jovial TKN CGCA FITB, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1327294
- Juno, Prism’s Go Greenbrier JH, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1144616
- Kevin, Lycinan All Dogs Go To Kevin, AKC Star Puppy, https://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1348790
- Nalu, Madileau’s Marscher Gone Surfing FTN TKN DJ (UKC Pointed; AKC Star Puppy), http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1312546
- Rowan, U-CH Madileau’s Laugh In CGC TKI, 1 Leg UKC GRCH, BPUP Group 2, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1319594
- Rumer, Prism’s Go Your Own Way JH, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1327232
- Sydney, Richwood Daydream Island SH, http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1218667
- Teeter, Belle Terre One Tough Cowgirl, AKC Star Puppy, https://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1341658
- Tiki, Richwood Island Breeze At Belle Terre JH BISS CCA (and mother to one litter), http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=1190162

Rumer, Age 2, 2024

Tiki, 13 months, Best in Sweepstakes (BISS), Atlanta GRC Specialty, in August 2022, Picture from GRCA News Sep/Oct 2022