Kody’s pedigree can be found here: http://k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=861628
We brought back Kody from California in the fall of 2017 from Karen W. Webb of Star Crowned Golden Retrievers (https://www.starcrownedgoldens.com/studdogs.htm). Kody is the grand nephew of my Colonel, who lived to be over 14 years old. Colonel came to us from Marcia Schlehr. Kody is my first ever show dog, first ever field dog, first ever hunting dog- the list goes on. He is a character. His breeder called him Mr. Personality when I picked him up in California. Kody earned his Championship in 2021 with 4 majors- 3 specialty. He received his final major with handler Chatham Napoli to finish in style with a 5-pt major during Orlando week 2021. He also received a Judges Award of Merit from the Hunting Retriever Class at a huge specialty in Orlando in 2020.
Kody is currently working on his Senior Hunter Retriever, Master Hunter Upland, and AKC Grand Championship. He earned his Hunting Retriever (Seasoned) title in early 2025. So proud of him. He loves the guns. He received his first 5-pt GCH major for going Best of Opposite Sex piloted by handler Kasey Black at a Specialty in 2023. He then went Best of Breed for his second 5-pt GCH major in February 2024. He went Select dog in March 2024 for a 3-pt GCH major and Select in January 2025 for a 4-pt Major. He has 21 points towards his AKC Grand Championship. Kody also has one RAE leg.

Kody is available at stud. Pictures of his offspring and titled offspring are available on the Kody Stud dog tab, https://marschergoldens.com/stud-dog/.

Kody earned his UKC Championship in 2019 in Virginia, his IABCA International Championship (IntCH) in 2020 (and went BOB three out of four times over 10+ Goldens) in Florida, a Judges Award of Merit (JAM) from the Hunting Retriever Class at the Mid Florida Golden Specialty in Orlando in 2020, his IABCA Honors Championship in 2021 in Florida, his AKC Championship in 2021 (four majors, including three specialty majors) in Florida during Royal Canin Week in Orlando, and his IABCA World Beauty Championship (WBCH) in 2023 in St. Louis, Missouri (and went Best of Breed at one of the weekend shows following the IABCA Golden Specialty the day before). Kody is two-thirds of the way to his AKC Grand Championship with all three GCH majors.
From his first AKC big Award (JAM) from the Hunting Retriever Class in 2020 to the present date, THANK YOU JUDGES who have chosen Kody:
Judge Helen Dorrance, Judge Michael Faulkner, Judge Douglas Johnson, Judge Dr. Donald Sturz, Judge Gloria Kerr, Judge Christine Calcinari, Judge Nancy Talbott, and Judge James Frederiksen.
First Ever AKC Best of Breed and first ever Owner-Handled Group Placement (Group 2), February 2024

Three Photos below: First ever AKC points for either of us! May 2021 in Pinehurst, NC. WD/BOW for a 5-point Major.
Young Kody (First below, Left, is a picture of his class Win photo at just shy of 12 months and Second below, right, is a picture at a UKC show at 21 months). Photo credit for moving photo is Richard Hunter.
This is what Kody loves to do best! Primarily a Hunting Dog!
Kody earned his HRC Hunting Retriever Title (Seasoned) in early 2025, his Started Hunting Retriever (SHR) Title in 2019, his Junior Hunter (JH) in 2020, his Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) in 2021, and his AKC Senior Hunter Upland (SHU) in 2022. He has received callbacks to water for five Senior Retriever Hunt Tests to date.

The next two photos are of Kody at the GRCA National 2021
This is a video of the land series of our first Senior Hunter Upland pass together in Georgia in October 2022. We earned his title in November 2022. He earned his first two legs under a pro. AKC Spaniel Hunt Test. Senior Land Series. Golden Retriever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pFZGjplRmQ
The photo below is from our AKC Senior Hunter Upland title weekend in the TALL cover in North Carolina. Photo Credit: Kevin Johnson:

Photo Credit: Bonnie Scherer

Kody earned his AKC Rally Novice (RN) in 2018, his AKC Beginner Novice (BN) in 2019, his AKC Companion Dog (CD) in 2019, his AKC Rally Advanced (RA) in 2021, and his AKC Rally Excellent (RE) in 2022. Kody has one Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) leg. He also has his Rat Instinct Title, Farm Dog Certification, and Trick Dog Intermediate titles.
Photo Credit for the below pictures is Pix ‘n Pages, 2021 National Specialty. Kody earned ribbons in Rally Advanced and Rally Excellent.

Jordyn Vanscoy B Scherer